Saturday, April 14, 2012

Heirloom Seed Planting

This year I have decided to plant my own seeds for our veggie bucket garden. Better yet, I am using all organic soils and I might even throw in some home grown compost. The best part? I am using heirloom seeds! I have become more and more concerned about our food supply's over abundance of GMOs (genetically modified organism). Many of the foods we eat have been genetically altered to battle disease or ward off pests. The danger? The foods are not pure. There have been studies linking GMOs with human RNA issues. I don't know about you, but anything that messes with my genetic code (RNA is the worker bee that reads/decodes DNA/sends messages to cells based on DNA) is not safe in my book. Adults have been eating these foods with out knowledge or consent for many years, but I am not about to let my kid be exposed to these types of foods if I can help it. The damage has been done in my adult body but I am going to protect his body as much as I possibly can!

So what is on the menu for this summer/fall harvest? 3 different types of carrots (red, purple, and yellow), 4 different tomatoes, salad greens, mini bell peppers, purple bell peppers, a few varieties of jalapenos (including purple), and some herbs. My order also came with a free packet of flower seeds that have been been planted in Europe since the 1500's! I can't wait to see them!

I have started to plant the seeds this week. I had purchased some rotisserie chickens so I repurposed the containers into mini greenhouses! Why buy them when I can reuse these? Not only do they provide a warm, moist environment for my seeds to grow, but they keep Fritz out too! I hope that we have success with these seeds germinating. I have been very excited about this heirloom harvest for a while now and I don't want to disappoint myself!

I purchased my seeds from Baker Creek. You can check them out on the web at!

Check out my rotisserie chicken greenhouses!

Each "greenhouse" contains 6 starter pots.

Up close and personal with some pepper seeds!

Long time no post!

I can't believe that I have not posted a blog update in 6 months. What is wrong with me? Oh ya, I have a baby... errr... toddler who is a non stop gonna break my neck if you don't constantly hover over me kind of kid. His newest success? Finding things that he can turn into step stools so that he can get to the most dangerous places in the house. This week it was the top of the stove while I was cooking!! Good thing I don't care about gray hair because it has been coming in stronger by the day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

First sickness

William was sick last night. While I was at work. Mommy guilt has set in.

William had decided that he wasn't going to eat much on Monday night and all day on Tuesday. I went to work for a closing shift Tuesday evening and when I called home on my break James had said that William had been puking. I asked him to clarify, and William actually clarified for him by puking while I was on the phone. :(

Apparently he puked 3 times, the last time was quite an effort. James did a great job taking care of him while I was gone, letting William puke all over him just to let him feel better. Apparently hoping that William would be sick over the sink, but when that didn't work, he allowed William to be comfy on his shoulder and do as he wished.

Thank you to my loving husband who did a great job taking care of his sick baby... the first time he was sick...

William is feeling much better today.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

So it's pink. Who cares.

Someone at work gave me their daughter's old walker thing. So it's pink. Who cares? He loves it!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

William had another milestone!

Little baby boy William sat up on his own today. Of course daddy was actually home, seeing it was Sunday and all... but he was in the shower. So, daddy missed it. :(

We had to lower the crib mattress today as well. William is able to just about reach the railing on the crib and soon enough he will be able to pull himself up. We decided to drop the mattress down to the bottom level so that we could put the crib tent on the crib. We are not satisfied with the ability to control the temperature in his room, so we are going to leave the door open overnight. Unfortunately, Zee likes to get in his crib so we need to keep her out. Hopefully this will work - a warm room over the winter and no kitties in the bed. He will be happy to see Dutch eye to eye first thing in the morning though!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Almost 6 Months!

William is just about 6 months old. What? Yes. My baby is growing up far too fast. He is on the verge of crawling, sitting, and has started to eat home made food. So far, he prefers barley over brown rice.

I was thinking this morning about what I would have done differently if I could have seen the future. For starters, we wouldn't have gotten the MamaRoo swing. I am sure lots of babies love it, but William didn't. In fact he just started liking it. Unfortunately, he can basically get himself out of it to pick up the toy that he drops on the floor. Scary. So, we decided to sell it. Not sure if we will get a swing for the next baby, but we do know that we are not going to store this one.

I also would have gotten a different breast pump. I am not a fan of sitting down at the couch all day either feeding or pumping. To all of you moms to be out there, get a hands free pump. It might save your sanity.

Clothes. Ya, far too many clothes! I think I would have been ok with 10 body suits instead of the 35 that I had for up to 3 months in age. He has outfits he wore once, if that. Towels, washcloths, and pacifiers. The kid takes a bath once a week, so 6 towels and 20+ washcloths are completely unnecessary.

Bedding set. We currently, as of 8 weeks of age, only use the sheet and dust ruffle. The bumper had to come out because William really enjoyed cramming himself into the corners of the crib so he couldn't breathe. Comforters are forbidden from cribs, so ours is now a wall hanging for decoration. We might put the bumper back in now that he is almost crawling. He love to roll over and bang his head. We will not be buying a new bedding set for the next kiddo since we will have this one to use!

Diaper bag. I will either get a backpack diaper bag or a ginormous diaper bag next time. I just recently purchased a wet/dry bag so that I didn't have to lug the whole thing into a store. Diaper bags are really for big trips, like a baby suitcase. What would be great is if I could get a diaper bag that could house my breast pump!

Lotions. Holy cow. I got so much baby wash, lotion, diaper rash cream... you name it... at my baby shower. I don't think I will ever use it all. We are half way done our first small bottle of baby wash. We only used the diaper cream when he was in disposables for a week and got a rash. The cloth diapers really do wonders on a baby's skin. I will be a cloth diaper fan for the rest of my life if not for that one reason!

New parents survival kit- aka the medicine bucket. Completely unnecessary. First off, half the stuff in there you can't give to an actual baby and by the time you can, the stuff is expired. Secondly, I am pretty convinced that most babies never need half that stuff in the kit.

I am still upset about the circumcision, but that will have to just be something I will have to live with. He is fine now, but it was completely unnecessary.

I think that is all I can think about changing right now. I am sure more will pop up as time goes on!