Saturday, April 14, 2012

Heirloom Seed Planting

This year I have decided to plant my own seeds for our veggie bucket garden. Better yet, I am using all organic soils and I might even throw in some home grown compost. The best part? I am using heirloom seeds! I have become more and more concerned about our food supply's over abundance of GMOs (genetically modified organism). Many of the foods we eat have been genetically altered to battle disease or ward off pests. The danger? The foods are not pure. There have been studies linking GMOs with human RNA issues. I don't know about you, but anything that messes with my genetic code (RNA is the worker bee that reads/decodes DNA/sends messages to cells based on DNA) is not safe in my book. Adults have been eating these foods with out knowledge or consent for many years, but I am not about to let my kid be exposed to these types of foods if I can help it. The damage has been done in my adult body but I am going to protect his body as much as I possibly can!

So what is on the menu for this summer/fall harvest? 3 different types of carrots (red, purple, and yellow), 4 different tomatoes, salad greens, mini bell peppers, purple bell peppers, a few varieties of jalapenos (including purple), and some herbs. My order also came with a free packet of flower seeds that have been been planted in Europe since the 1500's! I can't wait to see them!

I have started to plant the seeds this week. I had purchased some rotisserie chickens so I repurposed the containers into mini greenhouses! Why buy them when I can reuse these? Not only do they provide a warm, moist environment for my seeds to grow, but they keep Fritz out too! I hope that we have success with these seeds germinating. I have been very excited about this heirloom harvest for a while now and I don't want to disappoint myself!

I purchased my seeds from Baker Creek. You can check them out on the web at!

Check out my rotisserie chicken greenhouses!

Each "greenhouse" contains 6 starter pots.

Up close and personal with some pepper seeds!

Long time no post!

I can't believe that I have not posted a blog update in 6 months. What is wrong with me? Oh ya, I have a baby... errr... toddler who is a non stop gonna break my neck if you don't constantly hover over me kind of kid. His newest success? Finding things that he can turn into step stools so that he can get to the most dangerous places in the house. This week it was the top of the stove while I was cooking!! Good thing I don't care about gray hair because it has been coming in stronger by the day!