Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dishwashers - the truth!

I always believed that there was no sense of prewashing dishes that are heading into the dishwasher. I know some people who do this, quite a few in fact. I don't understand why all these people find it necessary to spend the time and waste TONS of water to wash dishes that are going into a dishWASHER.

I was reading some tips and tricks on saving time and resources the other day and guess what - prewashing your dishes IS a waste of time and resources and may actually leave your dishes less clean! Dishwasher detergent is formulated to stick to and destroy food on your dishes. So, if you wash the food off, there is just soap floating around with nothing to do!

So, save yourself some time and money. Just scrape off your dishes and put them into the dishwasher. Mother nature and your wallet will thank you!

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