Friday, July 1, 2011

I'm a CPST!

Many of you know that I love car seats. I love the concept of them, I love the different designs, and I love the fact that they keep our kiddos safe and sound! So, with the new love of my life arriving and seeing people I love misuse their car seats or using a less than "best practice" choice in their selection of seat and usage of said seat, I decided to take a national certification course.

So I am now a nationally certified child passenger seat tech! This is a certification that I can use to volunteer at car seat checks and inspection stations and to educate the public about proper use of car seats and seat belts when it comes to children.

I am very excited to help keep kids safe, especially those who I love so much! So, if you have any questions about your child's safe travels in the car please just ask! And, for those of you who have a car seat in your car, I will be double checking it when I see you! Just remember, I do this out of love!!!

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