Sunday, September 25, 2011

William had another milestone!

Little baby boy William sat up on his own today. Of course daddy was actually home, seeing it was Sunday and all... but he was in the shower. So, daddy missed it. :(

We had to lower the crib mattress today as well. William is able to just about reach the railing on the crib and soon enough he will be able to pull himself up. We decided to drop the mattress down to the bottom level so that we could put the crib tent on the crib. We are not satisfied with the ability to control the temperature in his room, so we are going to leave the door open overnight. Unfortunately, Zee likes to get in his crib so we need to keep her out. Hopefully this will work - a warm room over the winter and no kitties in the bed. He will be happy to see Dutch eye to eye first thing in the morning though!

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