Sunday, October 24, 2010


Well, all of you probably know by now that James and I are expecting our first kiddo at the end of March! We are super excited and are already prepping the house for little Macnugget's arrival. Being that we both have our busy seasons right around the corner, we really didn't have a choice but to do our registry and start getting organized early!

So, many of you know about the baby but only a few of you know how we found out we were preggers. So, here is the story:

James and I went to his parents' boat for the weekend at the end of July. We had been so busy all summer that it was time to make the trip. This year to Camden, Maine. We had an awesome time. I only freaked out once - just about to the point of tears - but the situation was made comfortable again almost immediately. We sailed around a bit and then to a state park in the form of an island for the night. I absolutely loved it. I also loved the mojitos that we attempted to make. Yep, between the 4 of us we had quite a few mojitos. Of course we didn't get the recipe right until the 4th batch in! It was a fun evening and weekend full of healthy vegan food.

At the end of the trip I thought that I must have slammed into something because I felt like someone had punched me in the right boob. I was concerned enough to check for a massive bruise. Nope, no bruise. It went away the next day, but after a few days of work I now felt like I had been punched in both boobs. And being 1 day "late" with the lady friend I became a bit concerned.

Let me just clarify that my lady friend has a mind of it's own but had been getting better and more on schedule so one day or week overdue was not unusual. Normally when it gets to the week mark I would take a preggo test to get things going. My body get's the "nope, no kid so get on with it" hint and badda bing badda boom... lady friend arrives the next day. Let's just say it didn't exactly happy that way this time.

So I called James to let him know I would be stopping at the store on the way home. Got some things, including the preggo test. At this point I had a very strong hunch that the outcome would be a bit different this time. I got home and was getting ready for bed as I was doing a turnaround that night (close the store and show back up for 6am the next morning).

The power just happened to be out this evening as well. So, getting ready for bed via flashlight, I did the deed and went about prepping for my early morning wake up. Mid teeth brushing I checked the test... two lines. Of course, this is what I was kind of expecting, but actually seeing it sends you into this state of calm panic. I called James to the bathroom to confirm what I was seeing... yep. Two lines via the glow of the flashlight. James does not show his emotions very well so he was just "yep, looks like it's positive, let's get some sleep". Ya... I was NOT sleeping that night. We spend half the night looking at what 3 and a half week old fetuses looked like and all that jazz.

I was a bit unnerved for the next few days. James was too as far as I could tell. But, we were both also excited. A baby is a miracle. I know my doc said I shouldn't have issues getting pregnant due to my LEEP procedure, but I always had a fear that it would interfere. Looks like everything is in working order!

So that is how we found out about little Macnugget. Get it? Mackey + Nugget= Macnugget!

I had a follow up cancer screening like 3 days later. My doc did all that and then gave me an ultrasound. I was 5 weeks 6 days preggo according to their math. According to my body's schedule I was 5w 1d. The ultrasound showed a sac and a yolk. At that stage the baby is too small to really see. So, back I went the following week with James and there was our little "blob" with a flashing white dot in the middle at our 6w 1d ultrasound. Very neat to see that and very much a reality check. Now we could be really excited because there in fact was a baby starting to grow!

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