Thursday, March 10, 2011

Full Term!

Here we are! 37 Weeks 1 Day! I am officially full term! I don't think William will be making his appearance very soon, but what do I know? Had a doctor appointment today and the doc was great! It was my first time seeing this doctor and he had such a great personality, unlike the other male doctor who I couldn't stand.

Anyway, William is maintaining his head down position like a good baby! His heart rate is good and he is still fairly active - using his feet to climb the under side of my rib cage. Doc also said that he doesn't feel like a big baby. Not tiny, but he isn't a biggie either. Yay! My hope is that he fits in his 0-3 month clothes for a while as that is what we have tons of.

The house is getting better as far as de-cluttering and getting baby things set up. Just a few more things to finalize, sanitize, etc. My biggest decision right now is whether I should open some bottles and start the boiling process or wait and see how the breastfeeding goes first. I know I will end up pumping anyway, and we have some bottles that go with the pump. I should probably start with those bottles, right? Seems like an easy decision... just can't make it yet!

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