Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Trick or treat up here in Manchester was Sunday and I, along with Dutch and Zee, joined Megan and her family for some trick or treating. Dutch was a big hit. He was a redneck and what a good redneck he played! Notice his mullet, bling, and white tank. Classic.

Fritz refused to get into the carrier to go to the Blodgett house. He got dressed up for a bit and then we had to take it off so we could leave. He was a white horse with a knight riding his back. How adorable!

Zee was such a sport. She kept this costume on for about 2 hours and went trick or treating with us via kitty stroller for 3 hours! She was an appropriate costume accessory for Megan's mom as she went as a pregnant lady.
I didn't dress up. I did wear Megan's cat ears though.

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