Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year, New Life

I think 2009 is my year. My final pre 30 year. I feel as though I have this new reason to live, new desire to do well in everything, and a new inspiration to do what is right for those around me.

My classes for my Master's certificate in HR end in March. Yes, my hard work has paid off and I have a near perfect GPA. My last class on the list is the basic "organizational leadership" class - what leaders really do and all sorts of cool stuff like how to deal with change. I like this kind of class because I have seen myself grow in this area over the years and I enjoy seeing how much I have matured in the workplace. The only down side to being done this certificate is that the economy is not too hot right now and my plans for looking for new full time employment and working part time at BRU have been put on hold.

On a similar note, my store is doing well. I have a great staff who want to do well so that the expectant parents get what is best for their situation and their growing families. I am well respected by all of my peers and other store managers. Now, if I could just get that raise I want...

And of course there is James. Yes, we have only been together a short period of time. But, I can tell good things are going to come of this. He actually likes me for who I am and what I stand for. He even thinks I am cute in my warm ups and sweatshirt. He gets along beautifully with my closest friends, and I have a fear that I will lose James to Jason because they get along so well. I have waited a long time for someone like James to come into my life and my patience has finally paid off.

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