Monday, February 2, 2009

It's been a while since...

OK people. I know I have been delayed on the blogging, but I have been super busy! We had inventory at work, my new class started, and I have been spending a lot of time doing things around the house and with James. So with out any more delay here is a new posting.

Inventory went really well. I am glad that it is done and that we are starting the new fiscal year with an "accurate" inventory. I found a few errors so far but they will be easily corrected. Work is going well so far. Fiscal year 2009 started yesterday so we start from square 1. Goals are reset to reflect our new configuration (TRU/BRU) so we will be challenged to meet our numbers from July to January this year. And, our company has combined into one operating unit. Yes, you are correct, it has always been one company with two divisions. Now we are one division. My district manager now has TRU and BRU stores and we are all one happy family. I hope that this allows for a better flow of communication between the TRU and BRU stores and upper management and that the transition will be smooth.

Ok, onto the relationship front. I know this is the most exciting part for all of you to read. The update is that we are still together. There really isn't anything different. We are going to Mexico in April courtesy of James' employer. Stay tuned for updates. There might be some exciting news in April. We decided to have lobster at home insted of going out and spending money for dinner.


What are these???

Fritz likes the white stuff left in the shell.
My friends Megan and Jason had their baby! It's a girl!! Anne Katherine was born on January 16th, 3 weeks early! She is so cute and precious and she is really good at keeping mommy and daddy up at night. I will put up a picture once the proud parents give me the ok for blog posting. Their baby shower was a mere 4 days before Anne made an effort to arrive! Just in time! It was a shower for all.

Nick and Jason at the shower.

And, Dutch celebrated his 7th birthday last week. My little boy is officially an old man now. He is a senior dog. Gray muzzle and he has old man belly (it's saggy). I remember when Dutch came home with me and he could fit on my lap in my little S-10 pickup. I could hold him in my arms like a 10 pound baby that he was. I remember the first time we went to the beach, the first time we had a vet emergency - Auntie Meghan hit him in the eye with a toy and his pupil wouldn't diolate, and how proud grandpa was when he lifted his leg for the first time (he was 2 and a half - an underachiever). Grandpa used to make fun of Dutch for peeing like a girl! I remember the first time Dutch's protection instinct kicked in - he was 6 months old. I remember the first time he met his Grandma - love at first site - same trip that Meghan hit his eye. The time when Irina went to check the mail and Dutch got out and half way around the neighborhood.... and pregnant Irina chasing him and finally getting him to run back down the street by yelling "Do you want a treat?" He came barreling back down the street and right into the house for his treat. And of course the latest incident - the rotisserie chicken. It has been a fun 7 years and I hope we have a fun 7 more.

Happy birthday baby boy!
I will be painting a few rooms in my house in February. Once I am done I will post pictures. Huge changes are on the way and I am so excited!

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