Sunday, July 12, 2009

Beer Can Chicken!

Beer can chicken is my new favorite way to cook the bird. What is beer can chicken? It is basically this:

Open a can of beer (cheap beer that your former roomie left in the mini fridge).

Insert the opened can of beer into the chicken's butt. Yes, put it there and let the chicken rest on the pan like this. I normally shove a plug in the chicken's neck to keep the steaming beer inside. I used an onion here.

Let the chicken cook in the oven at the recommended temp and time for roasting.

The tricky part is getting the beer can out of the chicken butt when it is done. I find it helpful to have an extra set of hands to hold the chicken as you push the can out from the neck part down and out the butt.
This is the most moist chicken I have ever had. I have made it a few times and each time it is so juicy! You don't taste the beer at all... just pure juicy chicken bliss. I rubbed olive oil, salt, and pepper on mine before cooking it just like I would do if I was roasting a chicken without beer can on the inside! Give it a try!

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