Sunday, July 26, 2009

Needed life changes

We all like to snack. We all enjoy our favorite foods. We all sit on our butts and watch TV. Well, that life style has finally caught up with me and now I might be paying the price.

Be warned! This post is about girly things so stop reading here if it freaks you out!

Ok, so those of you who really really know me know my periods are like clock work. It is February 1, break out the box of tampons it will be here today. Well... not any more. For the past 4 months my body has been playing tricks on me. How about we freak her out and come 2 days later this month, and then two days later than that next month... oh then 4 days later the following month. Haha, to really get her going let's come a full 7 days late this time! No, I am not freaked out about being pregnant each month for the past 4 months. That would be a blessing. I was freaking out that I had a tumor or something. Why do I always think I have a tumor?

So I finally went to the gyno after having to reschedule it a few times due to unexpected period arrivals. I had an ovarian cyst years ago when I was living in VA. I have been experiencing pain agian in that same ovary for about a year now. So, of course I go to the doc and this month there is no pain - story of my medical life. She didn't feel any cysts on this visit but wants me to call when I have pain so they can do an ultrasound to confirm cysts.

Then she tells me she wants to test some of my hormone levels and asks me if I have had any extra hair growth on my face or chest. Hmmm, is she questioning my gender cuz she just saw it... She is concerned that I may have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

PCOS apparently is a vicious cycle of hormone imbalances - a chain reaction if you can imagine. Ovary produces cysts which cause abnormal levels of one not female friendly hormone which causes something in the adrenal glands to produce another hormone which causes insulin resiliance. So, long story short my hormones are trying to make it very difficult for me to conceive a child without medical intervention. If I do get preggers I will most likely have gestational diabetes, have a 45% chance of miscarriage and a barage of other "bad things". Not to mention that having normal diabetes is pretty much on the horizon.

Now, apparently if I lose weight I will decrease my chance of diabetes and increase my chances of having a baby. So, immediately I have been eating way better. I am starving at night, but it is worth it. I am currently looking for a dedicated gym partner. Any takers?

And let's not forget the other part of this. I have always maintained my view on medical intervention for pregnancy. I do/will not take any medications to prevent pregnancy and I will not drug myself up to get pregnant. I do not belive in medical intervention to get pregnant. If I am meant to have a child it will happen. So, I must do everything I can to get healthy, not only to have a baby but to live a long and healthy life. At 29 I never thought I would hear those words come out of my doctor's mouth.

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