Sunday, July 6, 2008

How many toppings...

... can you put on ice cream before it is too much to handle? In my book... up to 3 flavors of sauce and all the topping you can pile on. I tend to like as many toppings as I can fit in the bowl.

I am so thrilled that most of my close friends could come by tonight. Jason still came even though Megan was at home feeling icky due to the bundle of love in her oven. Yep, the Blodgetts are expecting their first child. That means I will be an auntie again! Yay!

Back to the ice cream party... so we had a good time. Mike's 6 year old daughter was here this weekend so she played outside with us. I got a badminton/volleyball set and we enjoyed it for about an hour. It was fun to get outside and play on the freshly mowed lawn, complete with trimmed edges. Emma had a great time and gave us all hugs before she went to bed. Jason gave her the best hug of all of us - he is going to be a great daddy!

So much has happened since my last blog. The store is almost complete - the deadline for "100%" is getting really close and there are so many loose ends to fix. I will be at work at least 6 days a week for the next 2 weeks probably. We are all fed up with the remodel and each other and we all can't wait until it is over so we can get back to normal! School is going really well. I love my new class and I hope that I get to have my prof again for another class. She is great! Pretty soon I will have my master's certificate in HR and that will hopefully open new doors of opportunity for me.

I am looking into working on the front yard tomorrow. I would like to redo the mulch/garden area that is next to my drive way. I yanked out the old trim today and am thinking of putting up a small wall but am not sure yet. I have a few bricks to experiment with tomorrow and will save the project for next weekend. My goal is to not have a junky looking front yard by next summer. The big project that I need to save for is the repaving of the drive way and new steps... and a new water heating system and new fridge... ahh, the joys of home ownership!

Mike and I have decided to grow some crops this year. We have a few 5 gal buckets in the back yard housing green bell peppers, two varieties of tomatoes and zucchini! So far we have one green bell pepper forming. The zucchini plants have doubled in size over the past two weeks so I am hopeful that we will have quite the zucchini harvest!

I will try to be better at updating my blog, but with so much going on right now it is hard to spend time writing! Grand opening is the weekend of July 25th. After that life should be back to "normal"!

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