Sunday, July 20, 2008

In the home stretch...

... I can see the finish line!

The remodel is over! Soft opening is Monday morning - 10am. Grand opening is just a few days away - Friday 7/25. The ribbon cutting is at 9:30am. The mayor and his two kids will be there and we are hoping for the Governor and former Governor Shaheen. It is going to be awesome! The best part of all of this is that we can return to a "normal life" as much as we can while working retail. This week will consist of me living at work minus time at school and a few hours to sleep.

My class is also over this week. I just finished my exam and my group project is just about finished. I loved this class and hope that I can have my prof. again for another class. My newest dilemma is if I should take a class next term. It starts at the end of August and goes to December. My concern, obviously, is time for school with my work schedule during the Christmas season. Just because I work on the BRU side does not mean I get it easy during the Christmas season. One of the courses that I want to take is available online so I might take that one to still get a class in and have less pressure about missing a class due to work. After I finish my current class I will only have two more classes to be done my certificate. The sooner I finish that the better!

I am growing a garden in the back yard using 5 gallon buckets. We have 2 tomato plants, 1 green pepper plant and 3 zucchini plants. I checked the plants about 3 days ago... had a few buds on the zucchini plants. Now I have full blown zucchini growing!

The "garden" growing strong!

My lone bell pepper. There are a few more buds on the top now, but the rest were knocked off by the big wind and rain storm we had earlier in the week.
Beautiful zucchini plant in bloom. I love that color!
The first zucchini of the year!

Megan and Jason sent me a picture message of "the bug" - which is what we are now calling their little baby in the works. It was cute! I can't wait to be an auntie again!

I also got my hair chopped off. I like the cut, but the color didn't come out quite as planned. Once it is how I want it I will post pictures. For now, people need to stop calling me carrot head!
More to follow once this week is over!

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