Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Back to "normal"

I never thought the day would come where I could say that the remodel is done. I still can't say that it is done but it is pretty dang close. We are still waiting on a few replacement fixture pieces and such but other than that we are done! We had our grand opening celebration Friday 7/25 through Sunday 7/27. We are now the current record holder for the number of credit applications processed on a grand opening weekend - we beat the last record holder by 3! I am not sure if we beat any other records but I know we were close on % increase vs. LY numbers.

We had a great time at grand opening. We had characters, a radio station, cake, giveaways... it was so much fun. Lots of work, but lots of fun. Here are a few pictures!

This is the view of the "finished product" complete with balloons.

The BRU DM and district team sent us a cookie basket!
The customary picture with Geoffrey (Pat from BRU did a good job).
It looks so pretty now! I love this dusk photo.
Having a drink with the BRU promo support team!
So that was the biggest event of the past few weeks. Other than that I also finished my class. I got an A for a final grade, of course. I loved that class and felt that I learned so much. We didn't use a book, we used current articles. It proved to be very effective! I only have two more classes to go to get my certificate. I think I have decided to go ahead with taking a class this next term even though it will be during season. I need to get this done and I will just have to deal with the stress and lack of sleep to reach my goal.

Today was my first day off in around two weeks and I had the best day off! My friend Dottie and I went to the lake to do some kayaking. Well... we ended up going around the entire lake! It was a nice work out, we got to see parts of the lake that I have never seen before, and Dottie saw a live loon for the first time! The weather was perfect! While kayaking I was shocked to learn and see that the tornado that was in the state actually hit a few hundred feet from my parents' house. Trees on top of houses, windows blown out... not good.

My zucchini plants have produced 3 good sized zucchini so far, with a few more growing. I am not sure if they are going to produce a lot more zucchini but the ones that are now in my kitchen look full and healthy.

Katie's bachelorette party was this weekend as well. I had a great time and I think Katie did as well. Pictures to follow!

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