Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How could I forget?!?!

I started to blog about Katie's bachelorette party but never finished it! How could I forget such an evening?!?! It was a fun night had by all. No strippers, thank God! But, there was plenty of alcohol to go around for those who wanted it. We started our night at the Liberty Hotel (great choice Debby) where Katie had a suite for the evening. It was pretty!

We had some wine and sparkling wine at the hotel room and then ventured out to 75 Chestnut. Very yummy and very strong pineapple martinis. I had one and I was not able to butter my own bread (thanks for helping me out little sis). The food there was excellent so please give them a try if you are in Boston. We then went back to the hotel to change for a night out on the town. Well, they changed and I stayed in what I was wearing.

Alibi is a club in the Liberty Hotel. It is apparently very hard to get into so Debby made reservations. It was kind of stuck up for the kind of partying that Katie wanted to do (club dancing and karaoke). So, after one round we hit the pavement, the T (subway system in Boston), and the pavement some more and ended up at a bar in Faneuil Hall. Katie seemed upset that we were not at a club per say, but at a bar. But, she came around and was dancing and having a grand old time! I had a great night and I am so happy that Katie will be part of the family in only a few short weeks!

Meghan and I getting on the T near her place in Medford.

The group of women after dinner. We think Cousin Brett and the woman in the green on the left would make a good match. We will work our magic at the wedding.

I have been so bad!

I couldn't pass up a picture of me with jail bars. This is as close I will ever be to anything resembling a jail due to my sweetness and innocence.

We didn't go to a club, but Katie did end up on stage.

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