Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lifestyle changes...

... I forgot to mention that I read a book titled Skinny Bitch on my trip. After reading this book I have decided to cut out as much animal products from my diet as I can. So far I have been pretty successful!

I have been doing research and there are many good reasons to not eat animal products - meat, dairy, eggs, etc. Not only do animal farms hurt the environment, make our drugs less effective, and tolerate inhumane treatment of animals, but our bodies are not designed to eat that much animal products.

It has been just over a month and I sleep much better, think more clearly, expel waste much more easily... and I have even lost about 15 pounds!

I try to eat fresh fruit every morning for breakfast to help keep things moving... but when I am super hungry or for a great mid morning snack (or lunch or dinner) I really enjoy whole wheat (egg free) bagels with hummus and tomato slices! It is filling, tasty, and pretty healthy!

I can't say that I have been 100% animal product free. I had calamari while in PA a few weeks back and I also had some salmon last night. Oh, and I did have some chicken tikka masala. I have learned that Dunkin Donuts does not have soy milk - therefore I have had some milk in a few coffees.

I am committed to trying new recipes and discovering new foods. So far I have done very well. I am proud of myself for my accomplishments thus far. Hopefully I will be keeping up with my challenge and it won't be a challenge any more, it will be normal!

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