Saturday, April 12, 2008

It has been a long week...

The days were long and the nights were super short this week. At work the VP came for a visit so we had to deal with the prep work and each other. My boss was in Vegas this week so the pressure really was on us. The visit was short and painless.

On the home front school is going well. I enjoy being in class with other human beings instead of being online. I like the interaction and feel that you have to be on your toes more so than online. We are going to get into the "good stuff" this week.

The cats were full of silly antics this week. They are stir crazy and want to play, go outside, fight, tease the dog... just being silly. Fritz learned from Zee that if you really want to tease me you need to end up on top of the cabinets.
One of them also learned that if you really want to play a trick on me you use the bluetooth phone adapter as a toy and leave it in the kitty room. I blame Fritz for this. He has some sort of weird obsession with silicone and hard plastics. He likes to eat the silicone wrist bands you get for supporting a cause and he goes crazy when you give him the safety ring off the milk jug.The cardinals have returned! I have heard a blue jay but only got a short peek at him in the woods. The cardinals have visited the bird feeder a few times over the last week and I finally was able to snap a shot, thought it is not very good. This morning I saw my first golden finch on the finch feeder. Finally, spring is here!
And on the remodel front... we have new walls, new light fixtures, and a new decorative roof. They have also gutted the bathrooms... completely gutted them. We are now on full trailer bathroom duty.

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