Sunday, April 6, 2008

So this is how it goes...

It was a fairly uneventful week. I just finished cleaning the house. Not 10 minutes after the kitchen was clean my roommate made a mess on the counter and has yet to pick it up! This is typical in my house. I am not saying that I am the cleanest person, but if someone else cleans the house (and I do it every weekend as no one else will) you could at least attempt to keep it clean for a day. Some ask "why don't you say something?" to him. Well, if I get going on that I am just going to bring up more than I want to get into and it will result in WWIII. OK, enough on that.

Construction is well under way at my store. If you have a chance to stop by the store please do and I will give you a personal tour. We have a random wall up at the end of the register lanes. It looks out of place and is rather inconvenient right now, but it will turn into a pretty vestibule when it is all said and done. My DM has permission to put her new office into my store. I think the dimensions on hers is 9'x22'. Mine is like 7'x 15'. So, not that bad. I was also told that I can't paint my office any color but tan. Corporate wants the offices to look a certain way. So, I guess if I can't paint it I probably won't be able to put my 20 gallon fish tank in it either. Maybe I will be able to sneak it in. Here is a shot after my office was framed and half way drywalled. The first picture was taken from the inside corner, the second from the doorway looking in.
On Monday we gut the bathrooms. We are now the proud renters of a bathroom on wheels. It is a trailer that has bathrooms in it. Kind of like a fancy porta-potty. Tim wanted to be the first to use it.
I found a great deal on a dog toy set at work. Yes, we carry some pet stuff now. It was on clearance for like $4.98. We are running an additional 20% off clearance sale right now so after the sale and my discount I ended up paying $2.26 for two stuffed toys, a rope toy, and two bags of rawhide treats. Not too bad huh? I won't give him the rawhide probably as it is not the correct size bone for him, but he already loves his hedgehog and sheep. The poor sheep looks like it is in pain in this picture. Dutch is trying to sheer off the ear to get to the stuffing. Ouch!So, other than that my weekend has been pretty boring. I have homework to do, a paper to start, and laundry to work on. I need to start planning vacation time so if anyone has any suggestions or wants to come visit me in NH please let me know!

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