Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Feelin' hot hot hot...

I was at Old Navy yesterday. I figured I would stop by and see what was left from their weekend sale. Well, I found quite a bit of stuff that I liked including two bathing suits. I know that I blogged about my Wii's honesty about my weight yesterday, but I am not super fat and I don't look super fat. So, I tried on the two bathing suits. Not bad... actually I was shocked to see that it really wasn't that bad... especially since I am determined to lose some of this weight by the July 4th weekend. I couldn't decide which one to get so I got both. Please let me know which suit you like better. I like different aspects of both of them. I also got a short white beach skirt to go along with them. So, please let me know which suit you think I should keep!

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