Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Dottie!

It was Dottie's 50th birthday party on Sunday afternoon. It was nice to see Dottie again and to hang out with my TRU crew! The cake was from Frederick's and it was so yummy. Almond pound with butter cream frosting. It looked so pretty that I was almost sad for eating it... then I had a bite and wanted to keep going! Lots of TRU people were at the party, some of which I don't see much any more and most don't get to see my "wild side" (I did the chicken dance, YMCA, the hokey pokey and a bit of random dancing; and of course I was my normal goof ball self). And, thank goodness that I don't get to see their's much either. These ladies can get rowdy! They were dancing, drinking, being dirty old ladies... it was so much fun! I am glad that I went! The picture to the right is the Manchester crew (minus Tim). This was the "pre-let-loose" portion of the afternoon. It is sad that we all wear red or purple at work all day-5 days a week-and they all wore red for the red hat club. I was in "raspberry" (light red). I think Liz just likes purple or is obsessed with her job. Probably both. Dottie seemed to be having a good time too...

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