Monday, March 3, 2008

Tower Hill Pond

Today I took Dutch out for a nice long winter hike around Tower Hill Pond in Auburn, NH. I also went to find my 100th Geocache but was unable to do so because of all the snow. I think Dutch and I both needed to get out into some fresh air. I know that I needed to regroup and refresh my nerves after a rough week last week. I feel a spiritual connection with God out in nature. Today was a great day for that connection!

First view of the pond off the trail.

Dutch wants to cross the lake... I don't.

Someone's grammy is going to be upset with them! How do you lose a mitten?

Baby pine tree growing out of the trail.

This tree must taste good. Ants and termites have abused this tree!

So pretty!

This picture was taken from across the pond! I love my new camera!

The dam house? At the base of the house the water/snow line is at 53'.

Can't we go in?

That is a big crack.
Someone misjudged this part of the trail.

Still has the spark plug!

Dutch got a sniff of a critter's house...

I must have forgotten my sled.

They mean business!

Dutch wanted to attack every snowmobile he saw!

Mom! This is our way out!

For those of you not in NH, this is a picture of the snow at my parents' house. I didn't realize how much shoveling we have done this year until I saw the shrub under the snow.

The same snow bank as the above picture. I leaned onto it so you can see the height.

1 comment:

Nicholas said...

Nice pictures! It was a good day for a walk.