Sunday, March 30, 2008

Not my kind of weekend...

Let's just start with this picture, shall we? It may look pretty, but trust me - Snow is getting old.Yes, it snowed again. It wasn't that much and it made everything look pretty again. Too bad it just melted today due to the "warm" weather. Overall I think it was like 2-4 inches or something. They actually canceled school for this. I have no clue why as the roads were fine. Poor kids are going to be in school until July at this point.

Zuleika and Fritz have taken a liking to Dutch's new bed (cover made by Grandma). It is nice and soft... and big enough for everyone to fit on! Below is what Zuleika did to Dutch when he wasn't looking. Good thing he doesn't mind. How adorable!
Dave sent me home from work on Friday after a mere 4 hours. According to him I sounded like a sex phone operator over the walkie due to my extremely raspy voice. I was hacking up a lung and couldn't get rid of my headache. Plus, carrying around a tissue box with my MOD clipboard did not look that good. On my way home I had to stop at Wal-Mart. Yes, I had to. If it was not right next door to the store I would have gone some where else to get my meds. Anyway, look what I found! Yes, this is a sweet song collection of Lionel Richie. Don't laugh at me. You know you want a copy too.
I was so exhausted from not sleeping in days that I fell asleep on the floor while looking at Zee playing in a bag. I was out for an hour... on the floor... playing with the cat. I took some of that new Advil PM yesterday evening (only 1 pill) and was out for the entire night. I feel very well rested today and hope that I am almost as good as new tomorrow!


Nicholas said...

I will copy and give back to you soon. It has all his good ones on there...nice choice!

Unknown said...

you are once, twice, three times pathetic hahah im just joking i wouldnt mind listening to that too but i wouldnt tell anyone i bought it